2022 UK Catalogue
You can view or download the 2022 UK Catalogue here.
Order Online
Buy as you browse. Simply add the resources to your basket as you explore the website, then go to checkout where you can choose to:
- Pay by credit/debit card
- Pay by PayPal
- Invoice payment – only available to schools.
By Phone
Give us a call on 01326 567185 and we’ll be happy to take your details. Customer Services opening hours are 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday but there is often someone here outside of those times so do give us a call. You can always leave a message and we’ll get back to you.
Official Order Form
Email your official order to info@clicketybooks.co.uk. You can also post your order to us:
Clickety Books Ltd
Yeovil Innovation Centre
Copse Lane
BA22 8RN
School Holidays
If you are ordering at the end of term then please advise us of your holiday dates when you place your order. We can then make sure your resources arrive when you need them. Add the details into the ‘Order Notes’ section when you order online or write it on your Official Order Form.