Talking goes wild!

It's a great time of year for children to enjoy participating in the Wildlife Trust's 30 ...

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Bird chit chat

It's time for the RSPB's Big Schools' Birdwatch and the Big Garden Birdwatch! Children lo...

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Chatty Bats Language Development Programme

Award-winning Chatty Bats is a Language Development Programme for children aged 3 to 5. T...

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Spiders and bats - Halloween chatter!

Spider and bat themed rhymes and activities are popular around Halloween and are a fun wa...

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Shared reading boosts language

Language provides the foundation of thinking and learning and should be prioritised. Edu...

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Sound play in the ocean - swish swash swoosh!

Celebrating World Ocean Day reminds us that as well as helping our children learn about t...

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Catch up with Chatty Bats

The award winning Chatty Bats Language Development Programme is an accessible and engagin...

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Closing the lockdown language gap

Research by the Education Endowment Foundation suggests that measures taken to control th...

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Christmas Chatter

Free Speech and language ActivitiesWe hope you enjoy this year's selection of Christm...

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How audiobooks support language

Reading stories and looking at picture books together is one of the best ways in which yo...

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5 key ways to support spoken language development

Spoken language underpins the development of literacy skills. It provides the foundation f...

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Springtime - It's rhyme time!

Rhymes from well known traditional nursery rhymes to modern action rhymes play an importa...

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Spring has sprung!

Spring is in the air and with lots of cheeping and chirping from Erica's mischievous...

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