Hoot the Tooting Newt and Sunita the Athlete Cheetah
£8.99 (Incl VAT)£8.99 (Excl VAT) £4.50 (Incl VAT)£4.50 (Excl VAT)
Hoot the Tooting Newt loves to play his golden flute and Sunita the Athlete Cheetah is very fleet on her feet.
Look out for lots of OOT and EET words.
“Great for encouraging sound awareness and the children very quickly joined with repeating the sounds.” Primary Teacher Update, Silver Award.
Award winning set of books full of rhyme, repetition and refrains. They help to develop sound and phonological awareness, essential skills for learning to read and spell.
Just listening to the stories can help children develop their knowledge of speech sounds and how they combine in words and joining in the chorus will also give them plenty of practice saying the sounds.
Audio CD included with the stories read by Catherine Tate.
This book can also be used as part of a support programme for any child presenting with speech, language or early literacy difficulties, or used to promote children’s listening and attention and other language skills.